Beautiful handmade crafts
This small Bedouin handicraft community project is a way of improving the lives of Bedouin families living in the remote and mountainous Saint Katherine region of South Sinai.
About Bedouin Craft
My name is Mohamed El Hashash, and I run Bedouin Craft from my home in the El Sebeia Valley, in the remote and mountainous Saint Katherine region of South Sinai. Dwellers of the Sinai Peninsula have been forced over recent years to combine tradition with modern life. Whilst work and education are becoming increasingly important, we also recognise that the culture of our ancient community needs nurturing too.
As it is Bedouin custom to build strong family ties and work together as a community, a portion of any money earned through Bedouin Craft goes towards those in need of assistance.
This can range from putting something towards a hospital bill, building a new roof or well through to giving a widow a little extra food for the month as just a few examples.
Equally importantly, by supplying Bedouin women with work, they not only earn themselves a small income, but also a voice in the home and a respected status. In this way we can continue to build our community successfully. As well as preserving a part of our heritage, the charm and beauty of age-old handicrafting skills can be appreciated by the rest of the world too.
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